As you can imagine, the standard of living in Luxembourg varies greatly from one municipality to another.
Thus, at the bottom of the ranking in terms of the population's salary is the municipality of Wiltz. Conversely, Niederanven occupies the first position.
Housing prices also differ from one municipality to another. Even if there is a certain link between the salaries of the population and the price per m² of living space, the equation is not so simple.
Thus, we calculated the number of median salaries (50% of the population earns more, 50% earns less) necessary for the inhabitants of a given municipality to afford an 80m² apartment of living space in the same municipality. This is what the black curve of the graph shows us.
The result tells us that it is in Esch-sur-Alzette, Diekirch and Ettelbrück that it will take on average the largest number of salaries to buy.
Conversely, the wage level of the inhabitants of the municipalities of Habscht or Contern is relatively good compared to the prices of real estate in these same municipalities.
Please note that not all municipalities are included, because for some of them there have been too few real estate transactions for the Ministry of Housing to communicate a price per m².
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